12.10.2017 | (63x)

Auction Terms 12 October 2017

MND Gas Storage a.s. announces the auction for available storage capacity

Auction date: 12 October 2017, starting at 10 a.m.

Operating volume: 110 GWh

Contract type: Long-term

Storage period: 1 to 5 storage years reserved within the storage period starting from 1 April 2018, 6 a.m.,

and ending on 1 April 2023, 6 a.m

The auction terms conform to Regulation No. 349/2015 Coll. on the Gas Market Rules.
English version of the Auction terms is for information purposes only. The original is the Czech version.

For additional information please contact  juriga@gasstorage.cz
Bc. Marek Juriga Tel.: +420 775 875 068



SAMPLE_Storage Contract_Auction 20171012